Sunday 27 January 2013



  • Name of the Activity: " The Garden of Emily The Bee"
  •  Age of the Children: 8-10 years old
  • Level: Second Level / Cycle of Primary Education
  • Aim of the Activity: To practice listening and speaking skills through an Avatar and improve vocabulary.
  • Decription of the Activity: In this activity the teacher will explain that the class has a new friend and in each class this friend will talk about different topics and in this one especially they will revise "The Colors" following Emily The Bee (an special bee). In this activity the children will work Listening and Speaking Skills because they have to try understand to Emily and besides that they should be attentive because Emily The Bee asks questions to the students also and they should answer them. From this activity the teachers can review and work The Colors in English.
  • Tool and URL: Voki is a Free Tool to enhance listening skills creating speaking Avatars and use them as an effective learning tool. Very useful and practical.


EMILY THE BEE: "Hello children! My name is Emily and as you see I live in a beautiful garden. Today I would like to show you the colors of my favorite flowers and these colors are red, violets and whites. Can you repeat what are the colors of my favorite flowers please?...
Do yo like my garden children?... And Do you like flowers? Oh good guys!! In the next class I will show you my home. Bye,bye!

Friday 11 January 2013



     Name of the Activity: “FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS”
     Age of the Children: 6-8 years old
     Level: First Level / Cycle of Primary Education
   Aspects of English that students are going to practice: Above all Listening but also Reading and the activity is useful for increasing Vocabulary.
     Material: Laptop with Internet Connection to watch the Video of Youtube.
            Description of the Activity: The students have to watch the video and try to follow and sing it at the same time. The song is very popular and funny for children of the first courses. It isn´t very complicate but in the beginning the teacher will say that if there are some words that they don´t understand they have to try write down them and they can to ask the teacher about the doubts. The video will be watched several times and at the end the teacher can be propose to draw a large poster on the song by specifying the name of the things that appears. Then it will be hang in the class. In other session we can work other aspects with this poster, we just need... a little imagination! :-)

You can find this Video in the following Link:

You can find the complete activity also clicking this Link: